Sep 11, 2010


Weight Loss Quick Tips

10: Easy Ways to Lose Weight

Easy weight loss tips work, but only if you do them consistently. That's why our "Quick Tips" series brings you small changes that you can adapt to quickly and stick with for the long-term. From taming takeout trouble spots to truly savoring a splurge, here are ten more simple and easy ways to lose weight.
  1. Tame Takeout TemptationDo you always end up ordering the most fattening item on your favorite takeout menu after you’ve looked at it a little too long? Instead of using the menu the restaurant provides, type up your own with the healthiest options listed for each of your favorite eateries (along with the phone numbers) and toss the originals.
  2. Choose the Smartest SnackAre you guilty of grabbing the nearest snack when your stomach rumbles? Stop before snacking and remind yourself to aim for the most filling food for the same number of calories as your usual snack. ('s Calorie Count can help!) Snacks that stick with you will help curb overeating.
    More: Guide to Smart Snacks

  3. Tailgating TipsSummer is all about festivals, concerts and sports events, and what are they without a little pre-event get-together in the parking lot? Trouble is, the typical tailgater food isn't exactly diet-friendly. Pack a cooler of healthy choices in lieu of picking up takeout, deli items, or fast food (like buckets of fried chicken) when planning to party.

  4. Cheese, Please!Strong cheese like blue cheese or parmesan provide a lot of flavor so you can "pep up" foods with them without using too much and take in fewer calories than if you used a larger serving of milder cheese. Try adding a sprinkle of blue cheese to your salad or parmesan to vegetables.
    More: Are "Extras" Adding too Many Calories?

  5. Shop for Your Slimmer SelfStay motivated by donating your clothing to charity when you go down a size and shop there to keep costs down when you buy for your next “temporary” size. Having a few new items each time you hit a new size will keep you motivated to keep right on losing.

  6. Don't Drive and DineWe tend to multitask these days, but try not to eat while driving -- you’re likely to eat more without realizing and not “know” you’ve eaten because you were distracted, which leads to overeating later on.

  7. Ration Your Favorite TunesMake playlists of your favorite songs and only allow yourself to listen to them when you’re exercising. I love music, so this is a great motivator for me when I don't want to get up and go. Plus, my favorite songs somehow sound even better when I listen to them out in the fresh air during my walk.

  8. Stay In MoreGive up eating out for cooking at home so you can control portions and save money. Just making simple changes can save tons calories. For example: Bake, don’t fry, all your favorite foods.
    More: Create a Diet-Friendly Kitchen

  9. Soup's On!You've heard having soup or salad before your meal will help you eat less, but how do you know which is best if both are available? Choose soup -- it is more filling than salad thanks to its volume. (Just say no to bread or crackers along with it, though.)

  10. Splurge SmartGot some spare calories to spend? Savor something special like a small piece of dark chocolate rather than splurging on something you tend to eat regularly like a cookie or potato chips. By saving your extra calories for something decadent, you may be more willing to cut them in other areas, such as using a fat-free mayo or switching to light bread.
    More: Cut Calories at Lunch

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